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Professional Taxi Airport Podgorica is cheap local provider which is authorized to conduct transportation from airport Podgorica to any address in Montenegro and across the state borders.

Taxi from Podgorica Airport is 24h online available for any travel purpose. Free booking and cancellation - Taxi Airport Podgorica service at your disposal without credit cards. Book transfer from/to airport Podgorica now and pay when you arrive to your desired destination.

New and modern Mercedes and Passat taxi vehicles ensure smooth and safe transportation from Podgorica airport. Average of at least twenty years of experience makes our drivers as the best choice for your safe and relaxed journey through Montenegro and the region.

Taxi Airport Podgorica service has always fixed prices which includes all travel expenses - vat, road tolls, airport parking fee, taxi insurance for all rides from/to Podgorica etc. Free waiting time in the case of any unpredictable situation like plane delay or lost luggage.

If you decide to use our taxi service for airport pick up from Podgorica, when you pass custom check point you will notice your chauffeur having a visible label with the name you left during booking. If you want to book a journey from other destination to Podgorica airport, please clearly indicate your address, departure date/time and your mobile phone number.

Traveling from airport Podgorica with our taxi all luggage and short stops during the ride are free of charge - taking photos, cigaret pause or similar. And one important notice; please pay attention that we are not official Podgorica airport taxi union. Our vehicles and drivers are not located ahead of the airport building. If you contact us upon your arrival, please be patient, taxi driver from Podgorica need about 20 minutes to reach the airport.

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